June 4, 2020
FOR: The Berea Community
FROM: Office of the Principal
RE: Berea Online Distance Learning Platform
At Berea Arts & Sciences High School, we are proud to deliver our high quality education and fulfill our mission in the context of an evolving learning environment. In such circumstances, our commitment is to provide an alternative means of education in the form of the Berea Online Distance Learning. Distance Learning designates the experience students will have when school remains in session but students are unable to physically attend school. While Distance Learning does replicate onsite learning, our teachers can deliver powerful instruction that allows students to meet expected standards in an online environment.
During the duration of the first quarter online learning and up to the time when it is already very safe to go back to school physically, BASHS will make use of Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning. Asynchronous learning is a mode of learning that does not require the participants (students and teachers) to be online at the same time. Synchronous, on the other hand, allows the use of real-time engagements/interactions between participants to facilitate learning. These modes of learning give students and teachers flexibility with time. Towards this end, BASHS will make use of Edmodo and Zoom. Instructional videos on the use of these platforms have been provided for reference here and here. (There will be a live tutorial session on the use of Zoom and Edmodo on July 6, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. for those who still need help.)
Teachers will deliver lessons and assessments through Edmodo, while Zoom will be used as a gateway for real-time interactions like Q&As, discussions, clarifications about the lessons, etc. Teachers will use these platforms as well as other lines of communication as needed.
We are not adopting any learning management system offered by companies for the reason that we see it more beneficial if we develop our own learning management system to cater to the unique Berea curriculum. Our teachers have already been developing learning tools since May.
I invite you to visit our Facebook page and website regularly for updates.
On the side, to see sample videos for my Math 9 class, please visit and subscribe to my Youtube channel and click the bell icon so that you won’t miss any uploads.
Have a good day. Stay safe.